About Us

Lisa Iancin “L.I.”
Queer Connector
Real Estate Vlogger

L.I. which stands for Lisa Iancin is an entrepreneur at heart.  Her position as a full time realtor allows her the freedom to create a life by design. She likes the feeling of meeting business owners, artists, activists; those that takes risks to trail blaze for the rest. Those that trust themselves beyond outcome.

A natural networker, social butterfly, and yes that year when the lesbian was voted Prom Queen. She believes in community building, being a small part of something bigger than her.

L.I. served as the host of 10 New York City based queer singles speed dating events by Little Gay Book until she formed QTown as a way to connect people of the queer community further.  She continues to blend the two by producing monthly events that bring the party to queer networking.

Dakota Savo
Videographer & Editor

Dakota Valerie Savo is a serious advocate for women’s, animal, and LGBTQI rights.

She is the editor for Live Picture Studios and Kvibe Productions based in Jersey City, NJ. Dakota is a winner of the NJ Young Filmmakers best student film in the state of NJ in 2018 for the short film “Affliction”.

Dakota is a graduate of New Jersey City University with degrees in both Media Arts and Psychology.

Based in the NJ/ New York City Area, but is always chasing the California sunset. Dakota’s hobbies include practicing yoga, ballet, photography, and mastering her craft a little more each day.